A Beacon In The Landscape

A vision of a skyscraper from the Lord.

And Jesus said, “I built that. A beacon in the landscape. I will use it to draw my people to the things from above. It will be carnally visible but not carnal. A light in the darkness (picture of a man with a flashlight) to draw them unto myself for I will be their God. Many will be confused and need shown the way. Others will be stiff-necked and reject. The warmth of my light will cover those that will choose. They will be my people. My kingdom will be full. I will tread on the snake and he will submit to me for I hold the key to his existence. My people go forth and plant the trees that I will harvest for that is my heart’s desire. I will have my kingdom on earth. I bring peace, love, and joy forever. My Father gave it to me. Woe to the heathens and snakes for I bring an army. My land to take. He’s been residing in it too long. It is mine and always was. You will be put in your place because I am coming back as I said I would. You who don’t believe, will believe.”