The Great Separation

The Great Separation

God The Father Says:

“The great separation is upon you. Will you be my disciple? Up until now many have used a form of righteousness. I say, no more! My sheep hear my voice. They do not collect dust sitting in a pew. A pew of self-righteousness. These who follow the letter of the word. They leave me out of the equation, willingly or unwillingly so why do you sit week after week lifting up vain sounds of false worship? Where am I, in the old temple or the new temple? You seek after that which you love, not what I love. Where has it gotten you? Are you any freer now than when you started? I knock at the door. I am Spirit. A building not made with hands. Is your heart open to me? Have you really repented and opened the door of your heart? Will you fight me and resist what I am doing on the earth or will you join me and those I send to you? Do you want that which tickle your ears or do you want to know the real me? The narrow path is the only way. My son came already. There’s a whole book written about him. Do you truly understand what it tells you? Do you just want men to tell you about it or do you want me to teach it to you? I’m pouring out my spirit just as I did at Pentecost. It is written, “I will pour out my spirit on all flesh.” This time in a more personal way. Greater signs and wonders through my people. The enemy will mock, try to distract and copy but he’s a fool. You will know it’s me by the taste of my love. You will experience the joy I have for you. Those who come in my name will carry my glory so you have to decide. Will you receive me in life or do you want to remain in dust and death? The old dry bones that were condemned. I moved on, will you join me? Peace to those who enter into the rest of my son. There is no other than the cross. Look around. Do you really think anything is by chance? Can you not find the order in anything? All of creation has it and so do the ones that carry my name. Let me bring order to your chaos. It will set you free!”