The Corruption and Folly of Man’s Reason

The Lord says:

Man’s corrupt thoughts are produced by sin nature. His reasoning of the times is folly in the eyes of a righteous spirit. Thoughts at war with a discerning spirit. What have you to gain by repeating the enemy’s lies? Where is your focus? What word do you meditate on? What word do you repeat to loved ones? Who is wise among you? Those with the loudest voices or those who hear the voice of the Lord? The still small voice speaks, do you listen? Do you discern amongst the noise of your heart’s desires or of My Spirit? Or the voices of all the noise around you in daily living? What is your peace and security? The world or My Will? The enemy is in you and among you. Do you see? The law is a heart reflection. How do you compare? Do you keep it? No. I say no. Which law you ask? The law of the heart. My Son. Is He first to you or are you first? Repent and take assessment. The Beatitudes. Do you reason them or own them for yourself? What you draw near to you, you own. The troubles of the world or My presence. Reason navigates you through daily tasks. But My word navigates the spirit. The high places. What mountain do you succeed on? The one of obedience and Love of My Son or the one of the world that leads to death? Wide is the gate of destruction and narrow is the path of life ( Matthew 7:13-14 ).