Everything Will Be Made Known
Jesus, in a boat, revealing all fish swimming in a lake.
The Lord says:
“Sometimes they don’t bite on the first bait that I use because they aren’t hungry. When I use a different bait they don’t bite because they don’t like the flavor. I have to alter the conditions of the water and then go after the leaders and the idols first. When I’m done with the leaders, I then go after the every day heathen. There are many heathens in the church. This is also what the enemy does in every engagement. Someone always tried shooting George Washington. This is what we see now by the attacks on the outspoken. They are the first to battle but I will overcome his (the enemy) efforts by swiftly dismantling his tree structure. This is just the beginning.
Exposure and judgment will fall on the earth. Everything will be made known. For who can hide from the Lord? There is no shadow in My light. My people are ready but for a short time I must pave the way. It is My glory, no one else’s. I have heard the cries of My people and I am answering. A new thing is before you. My prophets have not lied. It is My timing. Things must be made bare for all to see in the heavens and on the earth. My people will not suffer and they will rejoice. My right hand is on them. Revelation is revealing itself for I am the Revelation. No one will say I did not hear or see. There are two choices, life or death. Life not by a world structure but by My Spirit. Freedom or the bondage of death. What say you? How will you decide when you see what comes upon the earth? Your imaginations will crack with the impossibility of My work. What do you hold onto? My Son or everlasting darkness? My Son Enoch spoke of this time. Will you find yourself with the Watchers or My Son the Christ? Many voices of snakes deceive, My voice speaks to within, My Temple. The temple cleansed with the blood of My Son.”