Life Will Flow In The Land
Many times Jesus will begin a message with a picture. That was the case on this occasion. He was breaking through some concrete to get to a water pipe that needed to be replaced. It was clogged with sand and silt and the water flow was down to a trickle. He said that He was going to “bash open the pipe!”
The Lord Says:
“False teaching, false gods, and religion represents the grime (like leaven in bread). They go to and fro performing vain acts. They followed the compromised forefathers instead of listening to the soft voice. The stage was set but they chose to go back to the old country. They forgot, they became weary, and returned to what felt comfortable instead of following My peace. I hear the cries of My remnant and I act on their behalf. They will all see who I am. They cannot hide. When the clog is removed the river of life will flow, for I will touch all. The naysayers condemn themselves because they are like their Pharisee fathers. Life will flow in the land because it is My will and purpose. I have not cast America down. She has fallen by her own hand, but I am here to interrupt because My Kingdom is coming, and the enemy will not have her. Some say revival, I say renewal. By My hand. No one can claim it. False pastors will say “look at us” but they will not see My face. The enemy will yell, the enemy will cry but do not fear. The enemy will feel my right hand. Time to go forth.”