The Lord Gives Life
To all readers,
Thus far there has not been much narrative to the posts that you see. But, now is the time for a bit of dialogue regarding what you have been reading. As you have hopefully read in this site’s introduction these posts are messages from Jesus that He wants to speak to the people.
Jesus has been calling out to the people to “come unto Him” and leave the Babylonian system of our culture and churches behind and come into His Kingdom. He has been very clear about what He desires and what is needed to be “saved” in this hour before He brings judgment in these last days. He has given much truth to share, in due time, that will also go against the prevailing worldly teachings of the last era and it will be necessary to learn this truth if you want to survive what is about to break forth on the earth. The post you are about to read was more sobering than usual as the Father himself spoke. It is very humbling to feel His heart and authority as He called out for His people to leave their man-made, satanic religion and follow His Son, Jesus. Sadly, many falsely believe that they are saved but are not. Satan is beginning to take his harvest and Jesus is about to take His.
Once this begins, a door in the spirit realm will be opened that will not be shut until Jesus returns for His bride. If you do not come to Him now, you will not be able to walk out your purpose and are at risk of being “spit out” like He has spoken of in this post (Revelation 3:15-17). Holy Spirit has said that “I believe” is different than “I do!” Jesus says in His Word that even the demons believe but so what? (James 2:19). “I do” involves a covenant relationship that is never divided. One where intimacy, love, holiness, and faithfulness abound. This is the saving relationship with Jesus that He is looking for. Anything else is idolatry and adultery and keeps you separated from Him for eternity.
Time is short and as He has stated His judgments are coming. “He that hath an ear to hear let Him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” (Revelation 2:11)
Thus says the Lord:
“It is said where is God? I say I am right here! He who asks doesn’t hear nor listens. I say I am right here! You refuse to pay attention. People look everywhere but within. I dwell on the inside of my temple, not these mausoleums of death. There is no life in them because the people have no life. Heaven to earth, not earth to heaven. Those that speak, why do you lift up repetitive supplications? Do you think I can’t hear? Your hearts betray you because you are not genuine. I look for genuine people. All of your idols were condemned in the desert. Do you not know? Why do you build them in my temple not made with hands? There is nothing you can do to save yourself. Pick up my Word and believe and you will hear my voice. Do not listen to the men for they are deceivers. They lead you astray and condemn your souls. Stand with me first and I will give you life. The world is wretched. It will be judged and the leaders of the world condemned for I am the Lord God. My Kingdom is all authority. I create two camps. Those I love and those I spit out. Those I spit out can rest with their father, Lucifer. MY ways are righteous. I have sent Him, life, to you. Attach yourselves to Him and don’t let go. He is the One true path. There is no other. Be wise, take heed, for I come with fire. Will you receive me? Come, be My family. Drink from My water. Eat from My bounty. For I give you life.”